Achievement achievement

You are here:Home > Achievement > Selected publications > Tang YY, Ma Y., Fan Y.,Feng H., Wang J., Feng S., Lu Q., Hu B., Lin Y., Li J., Zhang Y., Wang Y., Zhou L., Fan M..Central and autonomic nervous system interaction is altered by short-term meditation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,USA. 2009,106(22):8865-70

Tang YY, Ma Y., Fan Y.,Feng H., Wang J., Feng S., Lu Q., Hu B., Lin Y., Li J., Zhang Y., Wang Y., Zhou L., Fan M..Central and autonomic nervous system interaction is altered by short-term meditation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,USA. 2009,106(22):8865-70

Tang YY, Ma Y., Fan Y.,Feng H., Wang J., Feng S., Lu Q., Hu B., Lin Y., Li J., Zhang Y., Wang Y., Zhou L., Fan M..Central and autonomic nervous system interaction is altered by short-term meditation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,USA. 2009,106(22):8865-70 


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