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You are here:Home > Achievement > Selected publications > Tang YY, Posner MI. (2014). Training brain networks and states. Trends Cogn Sci . 2014, 18(7):345-50

Tang YY, Posner MI. (2014). Training brain networks and states. Trends Cogn Sci . 2014, 18(7):345-50

Tang YY, Posner MI. (2014). Training brain networks and states. Trends Cogn Sci . 2014, 18(7):345-50 


Brain training includes network training through repetitive practice that exercises specific brain networks and state training, which changes the brain state in a way that influences many networks. We propose two widely used methods – working memory training and meditation training – to demonstrate the similarities and differences between network and state training. These two forms of training involve different areas of the brain and different forms of generalization.

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