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You are here:Home > Achievement > Selected publications > Liebherr M, Brandtner A, Brand M, Tang YY. Digital Mindfulness Trainings and Cognitive Functions – A preregistered systematic review of neuropsychological findings. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 2024, 1532 (1): 37-49.

Liebherr M, Brandtner A, Brand M, Tang YY. Digital Mindfulness Trainings and Cognitive Functions – A preregistered systematic review of neuropsychological findings. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 2024, 1532 (1): 37-49.

Liebherr M, Brandtner A, Brand M, Tang YY. Digital Mindfulness Trainings and Cognitive Functions – A preregistered systematic review of neuropsychological findings. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 2024, 1532 (1): 37-49. 

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