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You are here:Home > Achievement > Selected publications > Ding X, Cao F, Li M, Yang Z, Tang YY. Electroencephalography microstate class D is a brain marker of subjective sleep quality for college students with high habitual sleep efficiency. Brain Topography. 2024, 37, 370–376.

Ding X, Cao F, Li M, Yang Z, Tang YY. Electroencephalography microstate class D is a brain marker of subjective sleep quality for college students with high habitual sleep efficiency. Brain Topography. 2024, 37, 370–376.

Ding X, Cao F, Li M, Yang Z, Tang YY. Electroencephalography microstate class D is a brain marker of subjective sleep quality for college students with high habitual sleep efficiency. Brain Topography. 2024, 37, 370–376. 

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