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You are here:Home > Achievement > Selected publications > Tang YY,Ma Y., Wang J., Fan Y., Feng S., Lu Q., Yu Q., Sui D.. Rothbart M.K., Fan M., Posner, M.I.. Short term meditation training improves attention and self regulation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 2007, 104 (43):17152-17156

Tang YY,Ma Y., Wang J., Fan Y., Feng S., Lu Q., Yu Q., Sui D.. Rothbart M.K., Fan M., Posner, M.I.. Short term meditation training improves attention and self regulation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 2007, 104 (43):17152-17156

Tang YY,Ma Y., Wang J., Fan Y., Feng S., Lu Q., Yu Q., Sui D.. Rothbart M.K., Fan M., Posner, M.I.. Short term meditation training improves attention and self regulation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 2007, 104 (43):17152-17156 


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This article had been listed in the top ten of Nature China published research highlights in 2007.

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