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You are here:Home > Achievement > More Publications > Yin SM, Gao HM, Tang Y, Abnormal expression of epilepsy related gene ERG1 NSF in the spontaneous recurrent seizure rats with spatial learning memory deficits induced by kainic acid. Brain Res. 2005, 1053(1-2):195-202

Yin SM, Gao HM, Tang Y, Abnormal expression of epilepsy related gene ERG1 NSF in the spontaneous recurrent seizure rats with spatial learning memory deficits induced by kainic acid. Brain Res. 2005, 1053(1-2):195-202

Yin SM, Gao HM, Tang YY, Abnormal expression of epilepsy related gene ERG1 NSF in the spontaneous recurrent seizure rats with spatial learning memory deficits induced by kainic acid. Brain Res. 2005, 1053(1-2):195-202 

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